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Friday, April 29, 2011

20 Little poetry projects

My life is an excuse for fairytales
Born under a deep blue sea of stars, I opened my eyes to first see the mountains far away and blue-why are they so blue?-I’ve never before heard the sound of wind whistling past them, tasting like sand and water-mud?-feeling like soft fingers running across my virgin skin…
The bright, warm sun was first to bathe me
Why did they call me Phoenix if I was born in Chandler?
I never said that I believed in fairy tales
But, sometimes I wonder if someday a story or novel would be written about me and I would be the princess…
Wouldn’t that be one supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sight?!
A story written but never read…
And then the ADD kicks in and I wonder… “Isn’t it funny how the older a person gets the more expensive it is to keep them alive?”
Ahh, I sigh, the simple road of life!
But! I am pinned to the ground by screaming butterflies
And yet…I smile at my misfortune…
Phoenix stop! Just…Just shut. Up
Someday the world is gana look at you and shake their heads, quietly tsk-tsking
And still the raging sky bellows your name!
Someday, Phoenix, the world will be yours, even all of the plants and stars and the entire universe will be lost in your hands!
Viva! Viva la Vida!
Life cries I do!
Ahh, but shh…
Fairytales don’t always have a happy ending.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quote of the Week!

"I'm really tryna make it more than what it is, 'cause everybody dies, but not everybody lives." -Drake, Moment 4 Life

Monday, February 14, 2011

Something to think about...

This is a story about four people: Everybody,Somebody,Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could've done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Quote of the week!

"I shoot for the moon
But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and
I'm not afraid...." - Eminem Not Afraid

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meet Aftaschoolspecial!

Ok so i've decided that every week im going to post Aftaschoolspecial's videos on my page. I love these guys, Erik and Travis! They are two guys i know very well that go to my old school Trevor Browne in Phoenix and they make a new vid about well, teenage life (from a goofball guys perspective) and they take questions and make them into vids. Omg they are suuupppeerr funny and at times explicit so thats a warning and I'll let you know when something explicit will be in a vid. Lol im like their number one fan and i encourage them to make new vids every week and so far i've seen all of them! They are hilarious! Pleae go to their page on youtube and subscribe! ----->!!! (you probably have to copy/paste it in your browser to go to their page) Support my friends please and subscribe,like, and comment!! Here is ther first video!!
***This vid may contain language inappropriate for children under 13 years old ;)****

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My best friend!

This is a video of my best friend Ashlee Scott racing around the track! In the video she is only 14 years old and she wins the race (her second win!). She's freaking amazing! Gotta watch it! If you can see it well here go to (on youtube) and you can see it better there! Love you Ash!! Numba 7!!!!! w00t!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trip To Japan: An expressive piece that demonstrates correct dialogue form

I sat on my bed staring at the phone that lay by my side trying to muster up the courage to call my best friend and let her in on the bad news. She’s been my best friend since forever. We’ve been through everything together, even remarkably her ex-boyfriend Justin. She loved him so much but the guy cheated on her. She was torn but broke up with him and the only way to heal her broken heart was for her and me to go on this trip to Japan. Oh god. The guilt grew like weeds in a garden.  I took a deep breath then slowly, mostly unconsciously, I dialed Cecilia’s number. It rang once, then twice as I twirled a loose thread in my jeans that would surely rip a hole in them if I twirled it any tighter.
            “CC, hey.” To my dismay, my voice was shaky. I squeezed my eyes shut afraid to continue talking, afraid that the news would slip foolishly from my tongue and shatter her heart, and most likely our friendship.
            “Danika? Helloo?” She sounded impatient as she always did when I didn’t just get to the point.
            Finally, after several long minutes, it seemed, I said, “You know that trip we’ve been talking about and planning for? The one to Japan…”
            “Yeah of course. Duh. So when are we going to be able to hang out and go shopping and oh my goodness Danika we could get matching boots!” She sounded so happy it made my heart break in two. I took another deep breath still twirling the small thread.
            “Cc, I’m so sorry but I’m not taking you anymore.” As soon as the sentence left my lips I felt like throwing up from guilt.  The thread finally broke exposing a small portion of my knee. My heart raced ready to hear the click of the phone when she hung up on me. I knew she wouldn’t do that but the tension of the moment dared me to believe otherwise.
            “But, why not me? Who are you taking then?” I could hear the tears and the fury in her voice.
            “Because Cc, I’m not okay?  I’m taking someone else; I’ve changed my mind ok? Does that answer your question?” I clenched my jaw holding back the tears and my lunch.
            She was quiet for a second, and then replied. “No,” She paused. “You didn’t tell me who you were taking.”
That’s when I hung up, suddenly more nauseous than I’ve ever been. I was not about to tell her that the person I was taking was Justin.