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Friday, April 29, 2011

20 Little poetry projects

My life is an excuse for fairytales
Born under a deep blue sea of stars, I opened my eyes to first see the mountains far away and blue-why are they so blue?-I’ve never before heard the sound of wind whistling past them, tasting like sand and water-mud?-feeling like soft fingers running across my virgin skin…
The bright, warm sun was first to bathe me
Why did they call me Phoenix if I was born in Chandler?
I never said that I believed in fairy tales
But, sometimes I wonder if someday a story or novel would be written about me and I would be the princess…
Wouldn’t that be one supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sight?!
A story written but never read…
And then the ADD kicks in and I wonder… “Isn’t it funny how the older a person gets the more expensive it is to keep them alive?”
Ahh, I sigh, the simple road of life!
But! I am pinned to the ground by screaming butterflies
And yet…I smile at my misfortune…
Phoenix stop! Just…Just shut. Up
Someday the world is gana look at you and shake their heads, quietly tsk-tsking
And still the raging sky bellows your name!
Someday, Phoenix, the world will be yours, even all of the plants and stars and the entire universe will be lost in your hands!
Viva! Viva la Vida!
Life cries I do!
Ahh, but shh…
Fairytales don’t always have a happy ending.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quote of the Week!

"I'm really tryna make it more than what it is, 'cause everybody dies, but not everybody lives." -Drake, Moment 4 Life

Monday, February 14, 2011

Something to think about...

This is a story about four people: Everybody,Somebody,Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could've done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Quote of the week!

"I shoot for the moon
But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and
I'm not afraid...." - Eminem Not Afraid

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Meet Aftaschoolspecial!

Ok so i've decided that every week im going to post Aftaschoolspecial's videos on my page. I love these guys, Erik and Travis! They are two guys i know very well that go to my old school Trevor Browne in Phoenix and they make a new vid about well, teenage life (from a goofball guys perspective) and they take questions and make them into vids. Omg they are suuupppeerr funny and at times explicit so thats a warning and I'll let you know when something explicit will be in a vid. Lol im like their number one fan and i encourage them to make new vids every week and so far i've seen all of them! They are hilarious! Pleae go to their page on youtube and subscribe! ----->!!! (you probably have to copy/paste it in your browser to go to their page) Support my friends please and subscribe,like, and comment!! Here is ther first video!!
***This vid may contain language inappropriate for children under 13 years old ;)****

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My best friend!

This is a video of my best friend Ashlee Scott racing around the track! In the video she is only 14 years old and she wins the race (her second win!). She's freaking amazing! Gotta watch it! If you can see it well here go to (on youtube) and you can see it better there! Love you Ash!! Numba 7!!!!! w00t!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trip To Japan: An expressive piece that demonstrates correct dialogue form

I sat on my bed staring at the phone that lay by my side trying to muster up the courage to call my best friend and let her in on the bad news. She’s been my best friend since forever. We’ve been through everything together, even remarkably her ex-boyfriend Justin. She loved him so much but the guy cheated on her. She was torn but broke up with him and the only way to heal her broken heart was for her and me to go on this trip to Japan. Oh god. The guilt grew like weeds in a garden.  I took a deep breath then slowly, mostly unconsciously, I dialed Cecilia’s number. It rang once, then twice as I twirled a loose thread in my jeans that would surely rip a hole in them if I twirled it any tighter.
            “CC, hey.” To my dismay, my voice was shaky. I squeezed my eyes shut afraid to continue talking, afraid that the news would slip foolishly from my tongue and shatter her heart, and most likely our friendship.
            “Danika? Helloo?” She sounded impatient as she always did when I didn’t just get to the point.
            Finally, after several long minutes, it seemed, I said, “You know that trip we’ve been talking about and planning for? The one to Japan…”
            “Yeah of course. Duh. So when are we going to be able to hang out and go shopping and oh my goodness Danika we could get matching boots!” She sounded so happy it made my heart break in two. I took another deep breath still twirling the small thread.
            “Cc, I’m so sorry but I’m not taking you anymore.” As soon as the sentence left my lips I felt like throwing up from guilt.  The thread finally broke exposing a small portion of my knee. My heart raced ready to hear the click of the phone when she hung up on me. I knew she wouldn’t do that but the tension of the moment dared me to believe otherwise.
            “But, why not me? Who are you taking then?” I could hear the tears and the fury in her voice.
            “Because Cc, I’m not okay?  I’m taking someone else; I’ve changed my mind ok? Does that answer your question?” I clenched my jaw holding back the tears and my lunch.
            She was quiet for a second, and then replied. “No,” She paused. “You didn’t tell me who you were taking.”
That’s when I hung up, suddenly more nauseous than I’ve ever been. I was not about to tell her that the person I was taking was Justin.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Bunny...

Poor Bunny
Poor innocent,beautiful Bunny.
How cruel the world is to you.    
You didn't see those dogs coming
Mutts so large and so fierce...
Even I would be as afraid 
As you are

Look at their faces;
Grim,evil smiles
Like this is a sport that
They were about to win.
One they too often enjoy.

Your heart pounds as you try
To run, Bunny,
Not knowing when alas
It will be your final
Moments when their jaws
Close up around you.

Then they'll bite harder,
Expecting you to
Cry out,
Only anticipating when you do.

They have no care as to where
You were headed
Or whether you had a
Family or not.

They don't think because they don't care.

After you, they won't stop

I'm so sorry poor Bunny.
Poor innocent, beautiful Bunny
How cruel the world is
To you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quote of the week!

It's difficult to decide whether growing pains are something teenagers have - or are.
-- Author Unknown

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Zodiac Signs 2011: Ophiuchus, the 13th Sign, NEW Zodiac Sign 2011

Ok guys so I was talking to my dad and he asked me if I wanted to bet him that I was still a libra and (with a couple of you-think-im-that-stupid looks and a handful of confidence)  I was like pssh yea, lay it down, cuz I knew I was one. I mean I wouldn't bet on something I couldn't win ya know? Well of course I didn't ask myself why he would be asking the dang question anyways and (by cheating cause he had prior knowledge, NOT FAIR btw)  he won,which sucks.He told me that when it became 2011 the planets, get this, were RE-Aligned and I guess that doesnt happen very often but it did this year and that made like all of the signs change and all that. Well I haven't seen it on the news or whatever (not that I really watch the news but who wouldn't have their ear open for something like this?!?) so I'm guess this stuff isn't really legit, but just for kicks ;) you should check it out and see if you're still the sign you were last year lol. I used to be a im a I still say im a libra no matter what I'm one at heart but just take a look and see it might be kinda fun(:...-Nika

Article by : Spicy, January 13, 2011 via Facebook
New Zodiac Signs 2011: Do You Have a New Zodiac Sign in 2011?

Ok, this is just weird. After many, many lifetimes of the Zodiac Signs being the way we know them – 12 signs, Aries through Pisces – it’s all about to change.

What your Zodiac Sign may have been, may no longer be. In fact, you might even be the “13th Sign” of the New Zodiac 2011, and that is Ophiuchus. If you were born November 29th to December 17th, this would be your new Zodiac Sign.
Astronomer Parke Kunkle says the reason for the new Zodiac Signs in 2011 is simple. He says the changes to the Zodiac Signs are necessary due to changes in the Earth’s alignment. He adds that the current Zodiac Signs were created nearly 3,000 years ago and they are no longer valid. The new Zodiac Signs 2011 take into account the Earth’s position in relation to the sun, and in those thousands of years, that position has drastically changed.
Do YOU have a new Zodiac Sign in 2011? I would love to know your thoughts about it! All I know is, I am not going to take the new Zodiac Signs into account. No way! I have been a Pisces for thirty-some years and I am not about to change that now.
The New Zodiac Signs 2011 (including the 13th Zodiac Sign), are as follows:
Capricorn: January 20 – February 16
Aquarius: February 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – Aug. 10
Leo: August 10 – September 16
Virgo: September 16 – October 30
Libra: October 30 – November 23
Scorpio: November 23 – November 29
*The new 13th Zodiac Sign 2011!*
Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17
Sagittarius: December 17 – January 20
Do you think the new Zodiac Signs in 2011 are a total hoax – or a prank – being played on us? As some readers have pointed out, every sign seems to have TWO Zodiac Signs on certain dates (e.g. June 21 & July 20th for Gemini)  and Scorpios are now exclusive to 6 days of birthdays! I’ll admit, I was buying into this “New Zodiac Signs in 2011″ crap, but with just those two things I mentioned, it is seeming more and more like a joke. Could this be the great zodiac signs hoax of 2011? Could be! If so, a LOT of official news agencies sure bought into it as well!
Your thoughts?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Place of Refuge: A persuasive flyer about Maiti Nepal

Imagine this young girl was your sister, or your daughter, a future girlfriend, mother,and wife. Thousands of
                              girls each year just like her are victims of human trafficking in India. 
India is the largest red light district in the world. Girls as young as 6 years old are taken from their families and forced to live in cages until they are needed.
Girls and their children are dying of AIDS and most are HIV positive.
Fortunately, there is hope. People inside and outside of the brothels are working together to stop this awful crime. Anuradha Koirala is one of these heroes.
She wants the girls to die in dignity.In the environment they are born into. She's built an orphanage for these girls and will stop at nothing to save them.
You can be a hero too and save these young women.
Be a hero. Donate today and save thousands of girls in India.

"Join hands with me and end this crime." -Anuradha Koirala

Friday, January 21, 2011

Quote of the week!!

Life lesson: If the door won't open on the first pull, look at the sign, it says push.(:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Curtain Moved: An expressive piece that demonstrates use of interior monologue

The half drawn curtain moved slowly...OK first of all who would only draw half a curtain anyway? Unless I'm not analyzing this situation clearly...half drawn curtain. Huh. Come on now? Was the artist too lazy to draw the rest of the curtain? Even I would have drawn the whole thing, I mean it's not like drawing the Eiffel tower or anything...Why am I pondering this situation anyway? Why is this problem bugging me SO much? WHY can't anybody ever finish what they start, like simply finishing a drawing, at least a drawing of a curtain! Why am I asking so many questions about the simplicity of a half drawn curtain that moved slowly..OK hold on a second. I totally missed the part where it moved. OK. I did take this situation way out of context. Ahh. You meant drawn like opened. Why didn't you just say that instead? You know, there are some people in the world who take the meaning of things out of context (like i just did) and then the whole world gets screwed up because they thought you meant what you didn't mean and suddenly you have a riff-raft of which you were trying  SO hard to prevent. Or am i just rambling on causing you a subtle discomfort? Subtle. Ha. I like that word. What the heck does that mean anyway? I bet you 20 bucks  used it the wrong way. Again. See what I mean? Words and I just don't go together much like water and oil. What are those kinds of words called? Homophones..something, is that it? Homophones, they sound the same but mean different things? Am i at least close? I know it starts with an H but..ah forget it. Hey i just realized something, I like this assignment. Pouring out my thoughts like some half driven honors student. Gosh. Half driven. Here we go again with the almost perfect, unfinished idea.  Omg, this is going nowhere. Half drawn curtains and almost ambitious teenagers, something has to come from this.  It has to come together in the end like you said with poems, with whats-his-name....Santiago? I bet you that's his last name too, and i bet you that that was an awesome guess for my rambling mind. See, this is what goes on inside my head. Questions, analyzations (my sister said that wasn't a word but whatever), stupid ideas that just keep running on and on..who cares? I'm not entirely sure if i was supposed to put a question mark at the end of that sentence but again..who cares? It's beautiful outside. The sun finally shining after yesterday..ugh being sick sucks. I was thinking of making this a paper story like paper characters that someone drew acting out our world. My world as of yesterday. Yes. I decided it was mine after all the pain i went through, throwing up and cramps! Worst combo ever. God (sorry using HIS name in vain) sometimes i just hate being a girl. I wish (when those days come) we were paper characters and it would be SO simple to just take a pencil and simply erase the pain. Doesn't that sound lovely? Imagine life was that simple as being able to take an eraser and erase all the bad out of your life, or hit the easy button like on that staples commercial. But then how would we learn if there were no problems in life. That makes me sad. There is no love if there is no hate. There is no good if there is no bad. There is no success if there is no failure. Success. Ahh. That word makes my heart pound. I want to be successful. I need to be successful. I want to be a chef, not one that cooks in a  fancy restaurant or anything but one on stage like Rachel Ray. I wanna be on stage in front of millions and let them taste my food. But at the same time i want to be lazy....oh so lazy. Have the luxury  of doing nothing.  How nice but how upsetting. Like a half drawn curtain. Or an almost ambitious teenager. It's getting there, that curtain, slowly moving, eventually opening. I'll take the liberty of finishing that drawing (take that sentence in any way you wish i promise it'll mean the same thing) and let the world see what a finished, opened curtain looks like. I guess I'll stop here now. I wonder if I was successful?